Tuesday, February 24, 2009

*Clarification *

Part 18.. J commented
J never had the chance to explain things before, but he sent me a msg asking me if that blog was me and i told him it was so he thought he should comment..
I'm sure some of you are like NO WAY HE IS DEAD, well no he isnt,, and I'm sure the other half is like "lol she probably told someone to write it" but Wil ka3ba ina he wrote it and messaged me telling me he is going to write "j" infront of what he is going to say since he couldnt answer that day he wanted to answer now jidam kilam...
I promise you , and u could ask Jana, she knows,, sorry for the Inconvenience;*


  1. ma istaw3abt ineh ilcomment min 3ind J as in THIS J - LOOOL

    ya7laileh - but i feel you made the right choice. mako shay ismeh "low not you then ur best friend" thats just wrong.

    ilwa7id laman yi'3la6 lazim yit7amal mas2ooliyat il'3al6a

  2. oh my goooood!!!!

    I am shocked, speechless.

    I have to agree with 3anooda I think you did the right thing by leaving him, I feel he was holding you back (sorry J).

    You deserve someone who really loves and doesnt show his affection verbally ;**

    love you babe ;**

  3. THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK you for removing the word verification thing ;**

  4. didnt u say ena this stroy was made up?

  5. 7abeebti u dnt have to swear and promise.. we believe you:*

  6. i knw what you mean honey;**its just wrong why did he choose her!! ee true;*

  7. love: im sorry wallah i didnt know u couldnt comment, sorry honey;**
    anonymous: when did i say that?
    finicky: 7ayatii intai;*

  8. you did the right thing Lama, 3afya 3alaich
    Allah iwafgich 7beebty;*
    Patience only goes so far ..

  9. im confusd!!! :(;( i dont get it? so did her relly go with hala? i thot that it was just something he made up for them to break up!?! ;s;s;s...
    im screwing up the story.. arent i?!?!

  10. Its okay babe, now I can ;**

    thank you ;**

  11. S: thanks honey;*

    anonymous: hehe yea u kinda r;p ill clarify everything in the next post and youll get it then;*

    love: thats great! np;*

  12. nora: honey what dont you get? ask me and ill tell u..

  13. Meta next post? ICANT WAIT!

  14. I just read your whole blog ! i3jibatniii your story! plz update soooon;p

  15. anonymous: inshalla soooon;**

    Zaina: thanks honey, w inshalla;)
