Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Part 26

I didn’t have in mind that it would be him calling and I didn’t remember that this was Khalid's number…

Me: aloo *sleepy/ cranky voice*

Khalid: Hala wallah!! Minu ma3ai?

Me: ana, int minu?

Khalid: intai? W menu enta? Daaga?

I recognized his voice..

Me: Khalid?

Khalid: yes,, and you are?

Me: Lama al X

Khalid: hala walla lama shlonich sha5barich??

Me: I'm fine wallah *Yawn*

Khalid: laykoon ga3adtich?!

Me: la its fine, I was supposed to get up an hour ago anyways…

Khalid: Ha wain hal '3aiba??

Me: you know jam3a and stuff! I'm sorry 3al iz3aaj, I know your busy with work and everything but I needed help for my photography class project and ur mom said you could help me.

Khalid: ee 7ayaach allah!! When is it due?

Me: in two weeks, bas its long…

Khalid; 3ayal tabeen we meet up tonight?

Me: *ditching my plans:D* sure wain? *I acted so casual*

Khalid: how about in Living Colors shuwai5? In an hour?

Me: inzain sure bye

Khalid: bye

Is it possible? Could he be as hot as his voice is? Haha I doubt it he wasn’t that good looking when we were young either… I got up, wore my torques Prada dress, put my hair into a pony tail and wore beige flats. I applied blush and eyeliner; I haven’t seen him for a long time!! I wanted to look hot for him!! I didn’t know why!

As I left the house I got a msg..

Khalid: ana we9alt wainich?

Reply: 5 minutes away

Khalid: ok yallah ana bag3ad da5el

I was there in 10 minutes; I parked in between a Range and a Porsche, I gathered all of my project materials and I took the camera to show him a couple of pictures and went down… I entered the restaurant and saw him sitting there…


  1. i cant beleive i didnt know about part 25 lain al7een - achoof m'6ay3a shway. anwyays yallah 5aleeh yi6la3 wa7id jaikar lakin rbee3a 7ilu

  2. la la.... please let him be hott!! oo 5al it7ir J the ass... is it a true story?

  3. la la la walla my 9eer !! U cant leave me hanging like this 7beebty :(

    why do i feel the posts got shroter? please make them longer :*

  4. Nooooooo Please Kamllaaayy;(
    & Yeah Plz Make Them Longer 7ady Endemajat;p!

  5. lol inshala he'll be hot!!
    mm anony it is a true story

  6. haha i hope ekun hot!!;p
    ow yeah 7adda kamlaaay aby a3aref shi9eer;p

  7. 3anooda :
    Laa 7araam 3alaich 3anooda;p
    Anonymous :
    Ee honey it’s a true story, it's my story, w INSHALLA!
    Anonymous :
    Susy.Q :
    Sorry honey;p kaane im writing one now;P im so sorry they got shorter honey bas wallah im trying to write kither ma agdar bas *3ithree* Misk, is driving me crazy… sorry;*
    Anonymous :
    Now akamil min 3yoooni:D
    Finicky:* :
    Allah yesma3 minich;p
    Exquisite:* :
    Inshaaala mama;p

  8. haha misk is driving you carzy so bakheth.ha menich 3ashan etkamleen el qesaa la'ana i really wanna nw what happens nxt;p

  9. Exquisite: haha;p ee she is driving me crazy;p bas good idea! im up to it;p

  10. hehe maskeena shes a baby ow uhma bil 40 enarfizuun!! wayed mu shwaya adryy;p maskeena i knw ur suffering menha bs shetsaween;p khalas ehya bet9eer san3a adryy misk san3a mara7 eta3eb omha ow betkhaleeha takteb el post 3ashan her babysitter testanes;p hahahah!!!

  11. eeeee yta3boon!;p hahahaha ee misk 9arat mo7tarama w namat:P
