Friday, March 27, 2009


Hey you guys, my sister Leena, has a wedding coming up w yaninatny she doesn't know what to do with her hair! She has long brunette hair, and her dress is covering the neck but open from the back, any suggestions?


  1. YES! low big bun with wavy hair .... if she has bags 5aleeha she takes them to the side with the waves!! eee ya3ni 5alay il bun ibayin ina the hair is actually wavy... do u get what i mean?

  2. hmm .. khatrou7 New salon in jabreya named petty boob raqamhum 25356064 .. amazing salon! esawoonlich elli tabeenah ..
    Hmm .. shenuu etsawee .. hmm ..
    Now all the girls esawoon sha3arhum simple ..
    oo the 60's style ..
